Adding a Rod Holder to Leaning Posts

Adding a Rod Holder to Leaning Posts

With the official start to boating season underway for many across North America, one topic we get asked a lot about it finding the right rod holder for leaning posts.

Depending on the age and size of your boat, your leaning post may not come with rod holders or rocket launchers. That's why we now offer the Aluminum Rod Holder 10º Weld-On. The universal design of this rod holder makes it a viable solution for most leaning post styles.

The Aluminum Rod Holder 10º Weld-On features a slight 10º angle to the tube.

Additionally, this rod holder comes equipped with a form-fitted anti-funal PVC white liner and features a welded pin in the bottom, which helps secure rods.

To learn more about the Aluminum Rod Holder 10º Weld-On, click here. This is available for purchase right now at this link. If you're not sure this rod holder will fit your leaning post, contact our Technical Support team today.