What is a Center Rigger and How do You Use it?

What is a Center Rigger and How do You Use it?

A center rigger is a type of outrigger used on a fishing boat to increase the spread of the fishing lines and improve the chances of catching fish. The center rigger is typically mounted on the centerline of the boat, extending aft of the transom.

To use a center rigger, the fishing line is attached to a clip or release clip that is mounted on the rigger. The clip is positioned so that the fishing line runs straight back from the clip to the lure or bait being used. The center rigger is then deployed by lowering it into the water, with the clip positioned at the desired depth.

As the boat moves through the water, the center rigger will help to spread out the fishing lines and prevent tangles. The center rigger is especially useful for trolling, where multiple lines are used to fish for pelagic species, such as tuna or marlin.

To reel in a fish that has been hooked on the center rigger, the rigger should be raised out of the water, bringing the fish closer to the boat. Care should be taken when using a center rigger, as it can be difficult to see fish strikes on the line attached to the rigger. Fishermen should keep a close eye on the lines and be ready to respond quickly to any strikes.

It is important to ensure that the center rigger is properly installed and securely mounted on the boat before using it. The fishing line and clips used with the center rigger should also be carefully selected to ensure that they are strong enough to handle the weight of the fish that may be caught.

At TACO, we offer two types of Center Rigger Mounts and a variety of Center Rigger Poles in Carbon Fiber and Aluminum. We also offer a Center Rigging Kit, which includes everything needed to rig your Center Rigger and head offshore. Shop today and save 10% exclusively on tacomarine.com with code TACOGPT at checkout.