2 TACO Products Entered for IBEX Innovation Awards!

2 TACO Products Entered for IBEX Innovation Awards!

We're excited to announce that we entered two TACO products for IBEX Innovation Award consideration – the new Grand Slam 950 Electric Masthead Anchor Light and the new SuproFlex Rub Rail! 

See both of these new products and more in TACO booth 3-1431 at IBEX Oct. 1 – 3.


With the simple push of a button, boaters can safely adjust the position of their Masthead Anchor Light from the comfort of the helm with the new GS-950. Ideal for powered vessels 39’ and under (12-meters and under), the GS-950 is certified for USCG-required 2 nautical miles. The GS-950 is a fully electric unit with hidden wires inside the hardtop. This mount easily installs to the surface of the hardtop and fits all top thicknesses. The GS-950 lights run on 12 volts and consists of four 3-watt LED Cree chips driven by two Mean Well drivers.

Check out the GS-950 video below with Captain Mark Henderson of the Liquid Fire Fishing Team. Captain Mark explains all the cool features and benefits of this exciting new product.


Introducing the future of hull protection with the new family of SuproFlex Rub Rail – lightweight, ultra-flexible profiles to save you time and money while providing a seamless precision fit. The innovative SuproFlex series is co-extruded vinyl that provides two levels of hardness – ensuring enhanced protection from impact. SuproFlex Rub Rail requires minimal heating – reducing installation time and manpower.

Additionally, SuproFlex Rub Rail requires no pre-forming and easily molds to most hull shapes. This new rub rail is available in a variety of sizes and colors, and pairs with TACO’s patented Flex Chrome Insert, which can also be customized to any builder’s color preference. SuproFlex Rub Rail is ideal for any boat up to 65’.

See the GS-950 and SuproFlex Rub Rail in the IBEX Innovation area and TACO booth 3-1431!