New Semi-Rigid SuproFlex Rub Rail With Overlay Vinyl Insert

New Semi-Rigid SuproFlex Rub Rail With Overlay Vinyl Insert

Best-selling TACO Marine® SuproFlex Rub Rail is now available with a semi-rigid back and an attractive overlay vinyl insert.

TACO Marine | Semi-Rigid SuproFlex

Co-extruded Semi-Rigid SuproFlex Rub Rail features shock-absorbing channels for higher impact resistance and requires less heat during installation when compared to other semi-rigid or rigid profiles.

The flexible, coil-able design, available in medium and small, pairs exclusively with the Overlay Vinyl Insert, sold separately, that provides enhanced protection from impact and a unique look that compliments a variety of boat types, including bass, freshwater and saltwater bay boats.

For boat builders, the profile and insert color can be customized. For more information, contact your dedicated TACO Marine Sales or Customer Service Representative.