Introducing a New Shade Product from TACO Marine!

Introducing a New Shade Product from TACO Marine!

Convenience at your fingertips. Introducing the new Carbon Fiber Tele-Sun Shade Poles by TACO Marine!

Made from strong, lightweight and flexible Carbon Fiber, the Tele-Sun Shade Poles are easy to install and stow – maximizing time and fun on the water. 

Simply insert the poles into your boat’s rod holders, secure a sun-protecting fabric to the boat top, attach the fabric connector to a ¼” cord, chase the cord through the swivel rollers on the poles and extend the poles into position. The Tele-Sun Shade Poles can be mounted to the front or rear of your boat, depending on your preference, and telescope from just over 5’ to more than 8' tall.

Discover more about the innovative Carbon Fiber Tele-Sun Shade Pole here.

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6/18/2020 8:55 AM
Wanting to add a shade to my Monterey 340 but the area I want to put the pole is not quite big enough for the rod holder mainly the 3.5 round top plate.  Is there other options for pole holders?