Where's OMAR – The Ocean Marketing Demo Van?

Where's OMAR – The Ocean Marketing Demo Van?

OMAR, the traveling Ocean Marketing product demo van, stopped by Ellett Brothers outside of Columbia, S.C. for training on our TACO Marine sport fishing and dockside accessory products.

Ken Wickey from Ocean Marketing talks about our premium line of Grand Slam Outrigger Top Mounts and Tele-Outrigger Poles.

Ken Wickey from Ocean Marketing presents to the sales team at Ellett Brothers outside of Columbia, S.C.

OMAR has its own Facebook page, Omar - The Ocean Marketing Demo Van, and followers can see where it has been and where it's headed next.

OMAR is making its way north and the Ocean team is planning the remainder of its spring tour. For information about booking a tour stop, post a request on the OMAR Facebook page, visit the Ocean Marketing web site www.oceanmark.com or call 1-800-343-8294.