Celebrating Mother's Day 2024

Celebrating Mother's Day 2024

To the anchors of our families, happy Mother's Day! Their love guides us through every storm and brings us to calm waters. We celebrate them today and always. While only a small number of team members are featured here, we acknowledge and appreciate every mother and mother figure at TACO. Happy Mother's Day!

TACO Marine | Dana Koman

Dana Koman, Marketing Manager, with her new daughter June, and son, Huck.

TACO Marine | Amy Burchett

Amy Burchett, Sales Administrator, and her son, Austin.

TACO Marine | Mary Datz

Mary Datz, Customer Service Representative, with her two sons, Joe and Jake.

TACO Marine | Kayla Sullivan

Kayla Sullivan, E-Commerce Lead, with her daughter, Willow Rose.

TACO Marine | Zoe Rawitz

Zoe Rawitz, Marketing Lead, with her mother, Fran.

TACO Marine | Peggy Sanders

Peggy Sanders, Customer Service Manager, with her mom.

TACO Marine | Joy Nelson

Joy Nelson, Purchasing Agent, with her 3 sons and one of her grandsons at her recent college graduation. Congrats, Joy!! 

Thank you to everyone who submitted a photo. While only a small number of team members are featured here, we acknowledge and appreciate every mother and mother figure at TACO. Happy Mother's Day!