Announcing a New Rub Rail Installation Video on FISH TACO TV

Announcing a New Rub Rail Installation Video on FISH TACO TV

We’ve got a new Rub Rail replacement video with Captain Mark Henderson from the Liquid Fire Fishing Team and Captain Danny Avila of Hammertime Sportfishing. In this video, Henderson, our Strategic Product Category Manager, and Avila, our Account Services Representative, remove old, damaged Rub Rail from a 36-year-old Classic Mako 228 and replace it with new Vinyl Rub Rail from one of our TACO Marine Rub Rail Kits.

Removing the old Rub Rail from a 36-year-old Classic Mako 228.

After removing the old Rub Rail, there was a lot of dirt that needed to be cleaned off.

Henderson shows a handy trick – applying masking tape above where the Rub Rail will be mounted and marking with a pencil where to drill the new holes.

After removing the old Rub Rail, Henderson shows how to avoid damage spots and where to drill new pilot holes for screws. Additionally, Henderson discusses various quick and easy tricks to avoid Rub Rail heartache, including how to prevent the Insert from shrinking, how to make the Rub Rail more pliable and how to find the center point.

After warming the Rub Rail in the sun, Henderson and Avila find the center point, which will be mounted at the bow.

Henderson and Avila begin mounting the new Rub Rail.

Henderson saws off the excess Rub Rail at the stern.

Henderson applies the new Insert to the new Rub Rail. Inserts are great for covering up the screws while also absorbing most of the impact when at the dock.

Henderson attaches the Rub Rail End Cap to complete the seamless look.

Henderson applies a bead of waterproof sealant on the top and bottom of the new Rub Rail.

During the month of April 2018, we’re offering a $50 rebate with the purchase of any TACO Marine Vinyl Rub Rail Kit.

Each kit includes a continuous coil of Rub Rail for a one-piece installation without a seam, a continuous coil Insert, end caps (when applicable), screws and an installation guide. You can find our Vinyl Rub Rail Kits at your favorite marine retailer and the Rub Rail rebate online at

All of our TACO Rub Rail is made in the USA and backed by our industry-leading 5-year warranty. Check out the video below and visit for more FISH TACO TV How-To videos.