Miami-Based Boat Builder Aims to Raise $20,000 for Breast Cancer Charity

Miami-Based Boat Builder Aims to Raise $20,000 for Breast Cancer Charity

On Saturday, Oct. 13, an estimated 10,000 people, mostly women, dressed head to toe in pink, will descend upon downtown Miami for the annual Susan G. Komen “More Than Pink Walk.” And while the focus will be raising awareness and money toward finding a cure for breast cancer, participants and spectators will discover a non-traditional addition to the Pink festivities.

Miami-based boat builder Reef Runner Boats is slated to unveil its new Battle Breast Cancer Boat during the More Than Pink Walk, which will be raffled at the Miami International Boat Show in February 2019.

During Saturday’s walk, people can check out the boat and buy raffle tickets for a chance to win. Additionally, anyone can buy raffle tickets online by visiting the company’s Web site All raffle ticket proceeds will be donated to the Miami/Fort Lauderdale chapter of the Susan G. Komen Foundation [SGK].

Reef Runner Boats Owner Donna Milo said this is the second year in a row the company raffled a brand new boat for the Foundation – having successfully fundraised $10,000 in raffle ticket proceeds from the first Battle Breast Cancer Boat during the 2018 Miami International Boat Show.

The Reef Runner Battle Breast Cancer Boat that was raffled at the 2018 Miami Boat Show.

This year, Milo said the company hopes to raise $20,000, which will then be donated to the local SGK chapter.

While there are several breast cancer charities and foundations from which to choose, Milo said she partnered with the Miami/Fort Lauderdale chapter of SGK because of its work both nationally and locally for breast cancer research, support and awareness.

“They not only raise money for the national organization, but they get involved at the local level for things such as research, transportation and treatment,” said Milo, who has some family and friends impacted by the disease. “I felt more comfortable that a lot of the proceeds that were raised were going directly back into the community.”

SGK Miami/Fort Lauderdale Mission & Programs Manager Blanca Melgar said the Foundation is grateful for the support from Milo and her team at Reef Runner Boats.

“They’re reflecting our whole community, which is Broward, Miami and Monroe counties,” Melgar said. “[The proceeds from the boat raffle] will be used somehow, someway within those three counties.”

Since its founding in 1999, the Miami/Fort Lauderdale chapter of SGK has invested nearly $11 million in local breast cancer awareness projects, such as education programs, funding for patient screening, diagnostics and treatment. The chapter also donates 25 percent of remaining net funds to national breast cancer research programs.

This year, TACO President Jon Kushner arranged for the marine company to donate brand new Rigid Vinyl Rub Rail, end caps, navigation lights and poly tumbler holders for the Battle Breast Cancer Boat.

“It’s all about giving back, doing good and just helping worthy causes,” said Kushner.

Additionally, TACO OEM Sales Manager Mark Henderson helped install the Rub Rail and navigation lights on the Battle Breast Cancer Boat.

“I have a lot of respect for what Reef Runner is supporting,” said Henderson. “It was neat to see someone from the industry who’s giving back and working hard in something they believe in. Anytime I could lend a helping hand on something like that is very important.”

The TACO Rub Rail and end caps on the 2019 Reef Runner Battle Breast Cancer Boat.

The boat being raffled is a brand new Reef Runner 180 Bay – an 18-foot, wide-beamed boat that Milo said is perfect for flats fishing and family cruising. She added that it has a fuel-efficient hull design, lots of storage and a roomy, fully finished interior liner. The boat also has a 90-horsepower Evinrude outboard motor.

The boat will be raffled on the final day of the Miami International Boat Show, Monday, Feb. 18, 2019 at 1 p.m. Raffle tickets are on sale online and can also be purchased in-person at the More Than Pink Walk.

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